Episode 2 – Uncovering Domestic Abuse with Graham Goulden

  • June 2, 2021

Welcome to episode 2 of the Oasis podcast, ‘Perspectives: Uncovering Domestic Abuse’.

In this series of interviews, we get under the umbrella term ‘domestic abuse’. We speak to survivors, trauma experts, and members of our community as we seek to reveal the broad range of increasingly diverse issues that are encompassed by this ‘one-size-fits-all’ term, dissecting and debating the issue, from all perspectives.

In this episode, we look at violence prevention with Cultivating Minds founder and former Chief Investigator and Police Officer Graham Goulden.

Released for #MensHealthWeek Graham talks with our CEO Deb about the vital importance of understanding why people abuse, and how each of us can become a “Moral Rebel”, that conversation and dialogue is key to change and how we need to move away from a gendered view of abuse and also recognise that men are victims too.

Graham Goulden is a former Chief Investigator Scottish police officer who spent his last years in policing working with the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit. It was during this that Graham developed a passion to engage society in the prevention of violence. He is a passionate advocate of the bystander approach and firmly believes that we can train individuals to be ‘moral rebels’ to help address many social issues including domestic abuse.

Graham works across the UK as well as internationally in US and Europe delivering trainings and presentations in sports teams, workplaces, schools, universities, in prisons as well as in local populated communities. For further information see his website www.grahamgoulden.com

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