Oasis is committed to safeguarding its service users.
It is everyone’s responsibility to promote the wellbeing of service users to protect them from harm, as well as recognising the right to live free from abuse in accordance with the principles of respect, dignity, autonomy, privacy and equity.
Oasis will therefore undertake safer recruitment practices for all staff, Trustees, and volunteers where they come into contact with service users. We will ensure that all staff, Trustees and volunteers, as well as service users, maintain appropriate boundaries at all times. If you are concerned about Oasis’s safeguarding practice please email: feedback@oasisdaservice.org.
Oasis is committed to encouraging service users and stakeholders to come forward with any complaints and feedback about the service delivered in order to make sure that quality is protected and service users’ needs are appropriately met.
Oasis also undertakes to monitor all feedback and complaints to ensure that they are used to improve the range and quality of service delivery on a continuous basis.
Oasis will also ensure that all service users and stakeholders have access to clear information on how to voice complaints and feedback, service users will be provided with the support they need in order to make their views known.
Oasis will also ensure that no service users are disadvantaged or treated less favourably as a result of complaining or contributing feedback. If you wish to give any form of feedback please email: feedback@oasisdaservice.org.