Make a donation today
can buy a soft toy for a child confused and frightened by the move to refuge
can pay for a counselling session for an adult to process the trauma they endured
can buy a kitchen starter kit for a family resettling in their own home from refuge
can help us to offer virtual support for those unable to attend support in person
Leave a gift in your will
A gift to Oasis in your will can help secure a future where people in East Kent, Medway and North Kent can live in safety, moving us closer to ending domestic abuse in our communities.
A legacy gift doesn’t need to be big, even small amounts go a long way in making a lasting difference to the thousands of people who are affected by abuse every year.
Give from your business
A corporate gift from your business enables us to do even more for survivors and goes further to help us to innovate and develop our services.
You can support with sponsorship, team fundraising challenges, with a donation point in your office/shop/cafe/restaurant and by becoming an Employer Champion.
To find out more and discuss how you'd like to support Oasis, get in touch with us at
Donate an item
Gifts of good quality clothes, shoes, accessories, unused toiletries and toys can really help survivors to settle in as they start their journey towards a life free from abuse.
People coming to refuge have often had to leave everything behind.
We take donations of items at our charity shop in Margate on the last Saturday of every month.
So far, your donated items have helped provide new outfits for survivors to boost their self-esteem and go to job interviews, homeware for their new safe accommodation and toys for children in refuge to play with and feel comforted.
If you’re unable to make a donation or fundraise, you can support us in other ways.
Simply sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media @oasisdomesticabuseservice – like and share our content to help us raise awareness of the issues and impact of domestic abuse in our communities. The more people that raise their voices, the more survivors can be seen, heard and signposted to safety.
``Thank you for this sense of independence, for showing I have self-worth. I now understand that what I went through was abusive and that I was courageous to leave. A painful ending is a beautiful beginning``